Stronger Practice Hub
We are thrilled to offer the exciting opportunity to take a tour of an outdoor nursery in Barnsley!
Nestled within the beautiful grounds of Wigfield Farm, Growing Wild outdoor nursery offers a unique and enriching environment for children to learn, play, and grow.
Places are limited to 10, as we don't want to overwhelm the children.
Helen Rush is an Early Years Specialist at Better Start Bradford and has most recently been working to co-create an Integrated Pathway for Speech, Communication and Language (SCL) for the district. 10 years’ experience of working in schools has enabled Helen to see the challenges families often face when accessing support for their SCL needs and led her to be a passionate advocate of “Communication as everyone’s business.”
We need your help!
Join us for coffee and cake (bring your own please!) while we talk about challenges of taking children out on trips and walks. Your input will help us develop a webinar on the 12th March (which will include a resource pack).
We will discuss the benefits, the constraints, the risks and anything else you want to bring to the table. This is a chance for us to directly address your needs in our follow up webinar.
We are thrilled to offer the exciting opportunity to take a tour of an outdoor nursery in Barnsley!
Nestled within the beautiful grounds of Wigfield Farm, Growing Wild outdoor nursery offers a unique and enriching environment for children to learn, play, and grow.
30 places available!
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