Webinar: Making The Most Of Mealtimes: Not Just A Time To Eat!

15 Sept 2023, 15:00 – 16:00


Mealtimes are much more than a time to eat, they are a chance to support the development of fine motor skills, language and communication, social skills, independence as well as promoting healthy eating habits. This webinar will provide the opportunity to reflect on: 

  • Why are meal times important?
  • Why should we sit with the children?
  • Why should children self serve?

As well as exploring the constraints & how you can overcome these. 


About your session leader...
Becca Oberg.png

Rebecca Oberg
Director: Institute for the Early Years, Bradford Birth to 19

Rebecca has worked in Early Years for over 30 years. She has held leadership roles in both the charitable and private sectors, in the UK and internationally. Her passion for early childhood alongside the value of play and informal learning for all ages has led to her sitting on a number of voluntary advisory boards.