04 JULY 2024

Inclusive Leadership with Jacqui Lewis


Delivered by Jacqui Lewis

It is both a challenging and exciting time to be a leader in early childhood education. Inclusive Leadership is about creating an environment where everyone matters, where allyship, not privilege resides. Where children and staff from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge, can come together and feel seen, knowing that every voice is afforded the agency and autonomy to achieve a sense of belonging and psychological safety. Inclusive leaders are aware of their own biases and actively seek out collaboration to consider different perspectives to inform decision-making.


Your setting identity, its ethos, vision, and values, are constructed from a plurality of influences, bound within philosophies of childhood, theoretical persuasions, and political sway, not to mention, the perceived perfectionisms from social media. It is no wonder, therefore, that within our intent and enactment of such influences, to provide the best for our children and families, we may lose sight of our own setting identity. This can lead to a deviation from, and dilution of, our core values, which may have more significance than first appears, for example upon staff recruitment, and retention, and relationships with children.


This webinar will support:

  • Reflection of your own professional identity, positionality, intersectionality, and power status, in the context of advocating inclusive leadership.
  • An understanding of the components of belonging and psychological safety.
  • A clearer alignment of your setting ethos, core principles and practices.
  • An understanding of inclusive leadership theory, styles, and principles.