Education alliance for life chances

Head Teacher Reference Group

We have established a Head Teacher Reference Group to act as an ‘enabler’ to our ambition to address inequity through targeted interventions that cut across services. These interventions will be based on the best available evidence and is supported by the research structure made accessible through the Centre for Applied Education Research (CAER). CAER brings together academics and practitioners to provide the insights our board needs to make effective investments in public service delivery for children and young people.



The Head Teacher Reference Group will create a space for academics and operational partners  to connect with a large number of schools from across the Bradford District to: 


Sense check, generate and test ideas, gain feedback and explore issues affecting Bradford pupils, staff and parents.



Inform schools decision making at strategic and operational level – from front line practice (schools and early years settings) to strategic commissioning and accountability processes based on the best evidence.


Align research projects and opportunities through CAER to address the most important delivery challenges.



Help the Bradford education system (and other regions) test, evaluate, learn and share effective practice on improving life chances.


Disseminate opportunities and evidence to wider school network on messaging, requests and opportunities from CAER and partners.



Improve outcomes for children and their families.


The Head Teacher Reference Group convenes meetings every half term. Together we will create a ‘go to’ group of educationalists to sense check, generate and test ideas, gain feedback and explore issues affecting Bradford’ schools and pupils. 


Please contact us at if you would like to join this meeting. 

Contact Us

If you would like to join this group please email and we will add you to the circulation list.