External reviews of governance

Could you help improve Bradford's Governing Bodies?

Bradford Birth to 19 and Star Institute have been commissioned to provide external reviews of governance for 25 Bradford schools and academies. To support this work we want to recruit up to 20 skilled and experienced colleagues to carry out these reviews.

We are looking for colleagues who:

  • Currently work as a leader or governor in a school or group of schools, with significant experience of strategic school leadership or governance. You might be a Chair of Governors or Trustees; or a Headteacher or Trust CEO with significant and successful experience of working with governing bodies.
  • Have been in a strategic school leadership (including governance) role for at least three years, not necessarily entirely within your current role.
  • Can demonstrate significant experience in leading and improving school governance in state-funded schools or academies

There is no requirement for you to be designated as a National Leader of Governance, or to have any other official designation. Preference will be given to colleagues from Bradford schools, or from Trusts with academies in Bradford.

The criteria above is meant to ensure that we can attract good quality candidates to take part in this programme. If you do not meet every criterion listed above, but still feel that you would be a good candidate for delivering external reviews of governance, you may still express an interest in this programme.

External reviews of governance will typically involve a senior Governor and Headteacher reviewing a school together, with time spent with client school's Chair and Headteacher, including attendance at a Governing Body meeting. Each review is supported by a grant to the reviewing school of £1,500.

For an informal discussion about the role, please write in confidence to