Promoting Cultural Capital & Community Engagement in Early Years Settings
Our latest childminder event (book below) will focus on how to promote cultural capital in their settings.
Book onto our childminder event 'A Walk in My City' - Book here
Taking into account the EEF guidance on providing effective cpd, https://
1. Before the day, childminders have been given guidance on Promoting Cultural Capital & Community Engagement in Early Years Settings, and encouraged to watch a pre-recorded webinar on the same subject.
2. The exciting bit... They will come together in Bradford, with their children and two of our ST Edmund's EYSPH leads, for a walk through the city centre, followed by a visit to Central Library with a dedicated storytelling and craft session.
3. After the event, they will be asked to complete a reflective piece which asks them to consider how this experience has impacted on their future practice.
Why is cultural capital important?
We know that the quality of education in settings is judged by how effectively practitioners are able to embed cultural capital into their curriculum. Therefore, practitioners need to recognise and enhance the cultural capital that children need.
But it’s not just for OFSTED.
By working closely with families, recognising and celebrating the cultural capital they bring to their setting, it will have a positive impact on the children’s future learning. Evidence suggests that when families share their cultural knowledge, it strengthens the relationship between home and school, positively impacting children's development. Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory emphasises the need for connectivity of agencies and people in children’s lives.
Furthermore, The Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) project found that parental involvement, particularly sharing family traditions and experiences, improved children's early literacy and social development. Sylva et al. (2004)
To read the full piece, please click HERE
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Rebecca Oberg Director: Institute for the Early Years